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our value

From our social responsibility point of view contributing to solving global pollution has a high priority, This is because both the environment and the public benefit equally when waste is avoided and used pet products are transformed into a new ones.

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 committed to creating sustainable world, in partner with our clients and the communities we serve 

We care about rPET that helps you to use High-quality Flakes.


Environmental Impact 

A plastic bottle is discarded into the environment. 

The bottle is picked by a collector and taken to an aggregation site      where they receiveimmediate payment. 

The bottle get sorted and sent to production. 

Production follows..... Standards. 

Raw materials gets used in high end industry application instead of      plastic made from petrochemicals. 

 As a result, the bottle is recycled and prevented from making it's way to the environment \ ocean \ Landfill.

clients industries

Industrial Impact

Industry requires reliable quality that meets demand consistently in large volumes. Beyond this, there are still many business needs to provide a competitive product offering, these among other Requirements include : 

full traceability - requlation compliance - packaging - price - sustintime - logistics. 

When these needs are met, real planning and investment can be made and drive the growth of the recycling industry, this drives collection effort, substantially creating real world social and environmental benefits, without this cycle of industry demands and economic incentive, recycling activity in developing countries do not happen.

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